


    Intention +

    Essential Oil

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Aragonite is one of the most powerful beginner stones. Its potent energies help activate and align our entire chakra column to promote inner-balance, mental clarity, and transformation. No matter the colour, you can expect Aragonite to boast powerful yet ambiguous energy to overtake one’s aura. These vibrations can push one to make a change in their daily life. This push will promote confidence, self-healing, and personal betterment.

We may often find ourselves “out of balance” or “off-center”, due to our chakras being misaligned. Reiki practitioners specialize in the revitalization and realignment of our chakra system. If you cannot find a reputable one, we recommend meditating with a balancing stone such as Aragonite.

Choose your favourite chakra cleansing meditation and place your piece of Aragonite on the chakra most displaced. Relax your entire body and clear any thoughts that may be lingering in your mind. Take this time for yourself and allow your intuition to identify and dissolve wherever the negativity may be housed. Repeatedly doing so will increase your chakra column’s strength and help assist in avoiding any future misalignments.