Pyrite, commonly referred to as ‘Fool’s Gold’, is one of the most popular crystals known to enhance prosperity and luck, all while attracting abundance. This crystal helps to obtain financial gain, which makes its energy most beneficial to students and young adults looking to start their personal venture into the world of finances.
Pyrite is a powerful stone to promote positive thinking and manifestation. Meditating with this stone while saying your intentions out loud help activate its powers which then transfer directly to you. Just hearing yourself say what you want can remind you that it is in fact achievable. Going forward, cultivate those thoughts and ideas into a tangible product.
You might often notice that when your body becomes fatigued, distractions start to creep into your mind. Pyrite is here to keep you focused and help you concentrate with the task at hand. We all have so much untapped potential and with this crystal next to you, you’ll finally be able to reach that next level.