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Acceptance is the willingness to let go of your emotional opposition to the reality of “what is.” While acceptance sounds passive, it is not necessarily. It doesn’t mean you won’t take steps to change what is possible to change.

Acceptance is saying “Yes” to reality. It doesn’t mean “Reality is good” or “Reality is desirable.” Acceptance of a situation does not mean that the situation is morally acceptable. It means “It is.” Once again, slowly breathe in and out, then say these words: “I accept the situation as it is right now even if I don’t like it.” Breathing in acceptance when the situation is painful is like being inoculated for a disease.

It allows you to take in a bit of what ails you to ward off the greater, more deadly disease. When you accept what is, you can then figure out with greater calmness and clarity what, if anything, you might do about your circumstances.